What is in this Course?
This is the second course in the series on Ansible and in this course, we will be focusing on advanced concepts in Ansible and some real-life use cases. This course is for those with a basic understanding of Ansible and is willing to gain expertise in developing with Ansible.
The course introduces advanced topics such as roles, jinja2 templating, lookups, error handling, vault, etc. The course also discusses strategies, filters and plugins and how to develop custom ones yourself.
Why should I enroll in THIS course?
Lectures backed by animated slides makes it simple and easy to understand. This is the only course that provides Coding Exercises were you can practice Ansible Playbooks right in your browser.
“Very good, structured and the most important – HANDS-ON – course.” – Student, Udemy
What is Ansible?
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications— automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems. Who is the target audience?
- Anyone who wants to learn Ansible
- Anyone who is a System Administrator and wants to learn to automate using Ansible
- Anyone who wants to learn Orchestration/Automation in the cloud
Please Note:
Coding exercises and lab integration for this course is currently being developed. These will be added soon. When they are added you will gain access to it at no additional cost.